2 Ways to Build Deeper Relationships With Prospects As You Grow Your Side Gig


A side gig is a business. And, like any business, if you don’t engage with its audience, folks won’t think you care, respect, nor value them. 

Likewise, if your audience isn’t engaging with you—whether on social media or on your blog or wherever—then that means you’re doing something wrong. But that’s a different issue altogether—you likely aren’t creating high-quality content that appeals to your audience.

For this blog post, let’s assume you’re consistently creating high-quality content. You’re here to learn two ways to engage with your side-gig’s audience. So, keep reading!

1. Create Content That Your Followers Ask For

Show your audience that you’re listening by giving them what they ask for. 

If they want a free PDF that tells them how to write a killer blog post, or if they want an excel spreadsheet that helps them organize their schedule, make it for them. Doing so will position your brand as helpful and full of relevant content.

If you aren’t sure what your followers want or they don’t ask for anything, that might be a good thing. You may be delivering all that they want and need to them. 

Still, take measures to make sure they don’t want more. Post a question on your social media or at the end of your blog post asking for suggestions. This will engage with your audience and it’ll give you ideas for your next blog post, podcast, etc. 

2. Respond Directly to Comments, Reviews, etc.

Social media is a ticket to really engage with your audiences. It’s more than a platform to rack up followers and spam your content. 

You really want your social media followers to feel like they matter. You can do that by engaging with them. Reply to their comments, host Facebook lives where you answer their questions, and so on.

If they feel like they matter—like they aren’t just a number—they’ll be twice as likely to share your content. They won’t see you like some business just trying to advertise its brand—they’ll see you as a brand that really cares about their followers. They may even see you as a mentor or a friend.

Be active and consistent in responding to comments, messages, and whatever other means that your followers are contacting you on social media. Don’t just leave them with a question on their mind. 

If you prove yourself as a resource who can be a sort of guru, they’ll become raving fans of your brand. They may even refer you to friends. 

Referrals will increase your brand awareness. Responding to questions and being helpful will boost your brand’s reputation.

Start Engaging with Your Audience Today!

Engaging with your audience can make or break your business. If you engage with your audience, they’ll become ravings fans who will see you as an expert and may, in turn, hire you for your services. 

If you don’t engage with your audience, on the other hand, they’ll feel frustrated. It won’t comes across as though you’re listening. If you don’t seem like you care, no customer will refer their friends to you or feel like you’re worth hiring.