4 Characteristics of an Effective Social Media Manager


With the ongoing growth of the internet, online marketing is getting more and more elaborate. Search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and other common tactics are now growing outdated.

In recent years, social media has skyrocketed onto the map. Nowadays, it’s sitting comfortably as a dominant force on the web. In 2021, Facebook was reporting more than 2.85 billion monthly active users. And companies like Facebook have evolved tenfold since their early days. 

Facebook isn’t slowing down—you can count on that much. Just think about how many teams they’re funding to brainstorm new additions to their apps. Consider the ways they’re pushing the envelope on a constant basis. 

We’re not telling you to compete with a titan. We are teaching you how to stay relevant, however. If you want to compete with the best, you’ll need the right social media manager by your side. 

So, here are four characteristics you should look for in a social media manager.

1. They Keep Up With the Latest Social Media Trends.

Creating a website, writing a blog (LINK), launching email campaigns, and paying for Google Ads are important measures for a business to take. They’re necessary components of your online presence. However, while they might not be gathering dust, they’re definitely old news. 

These days, the hype is all around social media. Users are flocking to social media to stay up to date on current events, maintain instantaneous connections, and more. 

Isn’t it a marketer’s dream to know what trends are circulating amongst their demographics? With social media, you have it flaunted in front of your face. Your consumers are practically advertising what their attention is on. 

Staying on top of all the latest social media trends can feel like a full-time job, though, to say the least. In fact, it is a full-time job—it’s the job of an effective social media manager.

2. They Know When and How to Interact With Followers.

High-level social media apps have data science teams to review findings and trends in social media usage to identify “ideal” times to post content. A social media manager will also have the software to know what windows are best for online engagement.

They also know what type of content to post at certain times. For example, outdoorsy people might not be online during the weekends. Younger folks might be on late night. Business leaders might go on social media earlier in the morning during their commute. A social media manager will know what times are best for  more consistent engagement. They can identity opportune times for your brand in order to get eyes on your content.

3. They Have a “Formula.”

Social media is one of the few platforms where you can get really creative. There are a lot of different ways to stand out. You can post content that is relevant to your audience, keep up with what’s trending, or build your brand in a multitude of other ways.

But it’s not easy to establish a presence and stand out. It’s a congested marketplace. Creating engaging posts requires innovation. Scheduling that content requires planning. Responding to comments and messages requires a lot of time. Social media management is a science. 

That’s why you need a social media manager with their own secret formula. In other words, that’s why you need a social media manager who has a proven process with a track record to show you.

4. They Have in-Depth Knowledge of the Industry

Facebook isn’t the only player in the game. Social media platforms across the board are pouring tons of money into juggling the needs and demands of enormous clientele. On one hand, that means social media apps provide great opportunities for marketers to find prospects, generate leads, and bring in revenue. On the other hand, there’s a lot of competition to beat and nuances to navigate if you want to come out on top.

Social media is the best way to engage with your audience and it is crucial for any company. The content that you publish on your social media channels needs to be engaging, informative, and entertaining.

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World-class products and services have long been the building blocks for any business—small or large. But with the marketplace growing more and more saturated, too many gems are getting lost in the mix. Without social media management, you’ll be lost along with the best of them.

Everyone is on social media, and no sound marketing mind isn’t devising a plan to stand out on it. At All-Star outsourcing, our social media managers have the specialized skillsets and an extra degree of know-how you need.