How to Level Up Your Game

How to Level Up Your Game

If you’re like me, you probably played a lot of video games growing up. And as I’ve been writing about in my new book on industry influence, the Legend of Zelda gives us a great way to find our Triangle of Genius—our own “why” or (as the Japanese call it) ikigai, or niche, or purpose. Call it what you will; this is the reason we flow through our days, our heads hitting the pillows brimming with satisfaction and ideas for the next morning. It’s what makes an impact on the world: our own personal brand.

Making Your Character Stronger.

So another video game, the World of Warcraft, gives us a great perspective on how we can improve our own personal game. In the massive multiplayer online game, players complete different missions to “level up.” You can pick up different attributes to make your character stronger, smarter, and more agile. And in so many other role-playing games out there, you can make your character stronger.

Why limit the mission to video games? I think about getting better every single day, taking the approach of a video game. The characters level up because they complete these missions—they beat more challenging characters and they get better. Our life is like a video game, except that while we want to level up, we don’t want to put the work into it. You have to put the work into it. For some who want to be physically stronger, they know they have to go to the gym almost every day. For others who want to be better at their relationships, they have to put the work into those relationships every day—reaching out, communicating, listening, and asking the right questions.

You are ready for this.

So if you want to be an industry influencer every day, and truly make an impact with your particular personal brand, it’s time to put the work into it and do the training. You know what you want. You want to level up. Right. But the only way you get there is through the work. Just like your video game characters. Online, it’s a fantasy world.

But in your in your own life, you can level up. You are ready—and you can find out the secrets to your own personal video game by checking out the courses I created just for you –