Part 2 of Stay Informed: The Forms You Need to Build a Brand (How to Prioritize to Grow Your Brand )

How to Prioritize to Grow Your Brand

In my last post, I explained how every once in a while, I like to unplug from the online work I do for Nifty Thrifty. So I’ll download a form and print it out. Some may prefer to stick to the screen, or we can also be respectful of the environment by laminating it and using it as a dry erase board. Then I start scratching my brain by scribbling some ideas to help my brand grow. So I’m now sharing some templates to help you start or grow your own brand. The next two are templates to help you prioritize and take action.

How to Prioritize to Grow Your Brand.

If you’re like me, you get super excited about your Triangle of Genius, and want to spend all your time working on it—which can be tough when you’re keeping a day job and holding down other responsibilities, especially amidst the topsy-turviness of COVID-19. So it’s time to prioritize.

The Eisenhower Matrix is named after President Eisenhower, who ran the country using a simple grid ranking tasks as Urgent, Not Urgent, Important and Not Important. This allowed him to Do, Schedule, Delegate or Eliminate.

I’ve added more detail to create an Eisenhower Box, which is based on my schedule for the day. I could go online and look at Asana or another project management tool, but I make sure to have the Eisenhower box right at hand so I can look at it anytime. It’s a great tool for entrepreneurs.

Your Daily Action Plan for Building a Brand

Now it’s time to take action with this handy form clearly outlining what you need to do today. You can fill it out the night before, or, if you’re an early riser like me, once you’re up and caffeinated or energized by a workout. This action plan creates batch scheduling, which helps me avoid multitasking and stay focused on my Triangle of Genius.

Daily Action Plan

To get your FREE Eisenhower Matrix and Daily Action Plan templates, click the link below: